Manifest change, opportunity and growth
Chrysoprase's vibrant, fresh energy ushers in opportunity, new beginnings and abundant growth. From pastel minty greens to deep luscious forest hues, this is the perfect crystal for manifesting change and turning potential into tangible success.
What is it?

Chrysoprase is a variety of Chalcedony and is a cryptocrystalline, which means it is of made up of crystals so fine that they can't be seen as distinct particles under normal magnification. The green colour of Chrysoprase is made from traces of nickel in the crystal. The more nickel there is, the greener the stone becomes.
Did you know? The word chrysoprase comes from the Greek "chrysos," meaning 'gold or yellow' and "prase," meaning 'leek or green'.
Where is it found?
Chrysoprase is found in the USA, Russia, Brazil, Australia, Poland and Tanzania.
How tough is it?
7/10 on the Mohs scale.

Why you need it in your armoury:
Chrysoprase is the ideal crystal for personal growth and prosperity. Wear it for job interviews, promotions, or whenever you're seeking to manifest your dreams. This crystal's vibrant energy will not only add a spring to your step but also empower you to express yourself confidently. Chrysoprase can spark your creativity, bring out unique skills you might not know you had, and boost your sense of personal power.
Cleanse with:
Can be cleansed with water or incense.
Works well with:
Other green stones like Jade to up it's abundance-attracting power, or with Clear Quartz to amplify it's energy.