Today's Black Moon in Capricorn marks a powerful moment of transformation and ambition. A "Black Moon," the second new moon in a calendar month, amplifies the energy of new beginnings, and Capricorn's grounded, determined influence makes it the perfect time to set clear intentions. As the year draws to a close, this lunar event offers a unique opportunity to shed what no longer serves you and build a solid foundation for your goals. Think of it as a fresh start with a practical edge—a chance to channel your inner discipline and focus to turn dreams into tangible realities. Whether it’s career aspirations, personal growth, or long-overdue change, this Black Moon invites you to plant seeds for a future rooted in strength and purpose.
Earth Signs (Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo)
What to call in? Two of Swords
Decision time! Something was meant to have been done, dusted, and underway LAST year… bit it never got off the ground because you didn’t make the necessary choices. Well, that deadline is really screaming at you now. Use this New Moon to make a firm choice and take the first step in executing it. No more procrastination.
What to release? The Tower
All Earth signs catastrophsize, it’s in your factory settings. And it’s harmful because it keeps you static in toxic situations, roles, and relationships- simply because ‘better the Devil you know’. Drop that mindset this New Moon and make a bold, spontaneous leap OUT of something that, deep down, you know is rotten and no good.
Fire Signs (Sagittarius, Aries, Leo)

What to call in? Three of Wands
Embrace the weird coincidences, serendipities, omens and de ja vu moments you will experience this New Moon. It’s like the unseen forces are tying to communicate with you, so let them. Notice the signs and tune in to your powerful gut instincts. Be led by your heart not your head. A new path is emerging.
What to release? The Star
Okay, so I’d never be one to tell someone to give up the daydream BUT… well, give up the daydream. You are entering the realms of wishful thinking and it’s stopping you from addressing what actually COULD be changed or tackled. Separate what you CAN and CANNOT influence, and focus on the former. I know you’re powerful, but you’re not omnipotent!
Water Signs (Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces)

What to call in? Judgment
Have your own ‘man in the mirror’ moment this New Moon. Ask for guidance, inspiration, enlightenment, and then sit in front of the mirror and gaze, chat, feel awkward lol, and see what surfaces. Something will! Judgment brings you a surge of insightful self awareness.
What to release? Temperance
You are as fluid as water, it being your element and all, but you need to get a little more, well, ‘rigid’ this New Moon. Release your ‘go with the flow’ attitude because you actually need to take a stand and dig your heels in about something… or risk being ridden over and taken advantage of.
Air Signs (Libra, Aquarius, Gemini)

What to call in? Knight of Wands
Adventure time! This New Moon asks you to see your material world as a realm that you SHOULD feel excited about- money is treasure, work is purpose, health is freedom, home is your kingdom. Set goals across these areas in 2025 that totally excite you, that motivate you to take steps to manifest right NOW. Be a lil’ bit swashbuckling about it all.
What to release? Page of Cups
Let go of an ‘inner child’ trait or habit that you know, deep down, is outdated and belongs to a wounded version of you that is simply long gone. Meditate and talk to your childhood self, reassure them you can handle it now, tell them they can be at peace, and rest. Let go and move on. Let go and let adult you take the reins.
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