Water Signs (Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio)
What to call in? Four of Wands
Call in promotion, progress, advancement. You are ready to step up to the next level and make a success of it. You have outgrown your current environment or role and you’ve been eyeing up what comes next. NOW is the time to put this plan in motion- you are ready.
What to release? Two of Coins
Consciously notice when you feel a sensation of missing out if you don’t do something or get involved in something, even if you know rationally you don’t have the time or energy. I’m talking FOMO. Consciously notice it, and give your head a good wobble. Less is more. Focus is everything. Release the desire to overdo it and bite off more than you can chew.
Air Signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)
What to call in? The Hermit
It’s time to seek enlightenment. Study and research a topic or skill that is personal, important, and interesting to you. This is not a group activity, it’s a solo mission. Ultimately, this project is going to teach you something new and valuable about yourself, but you need to go on the journey to get to that.
What to release? The High Priestess
A period of intuitive, emotion-led, and maybe even psychic thinking and experiences is drawing to a close. You are swapping mindsets- from the esoteric and instinctive to the rational and logical. You are letting go of ‘what if’s’ and ‘maybes’ and replacing them firm answers, conclusions, and next steps. Passivity is being upgraded to pro-activity.
Earth Signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)
What to call in? Aces of Wands
You are embarking on a new, purposeful hobby, role, or activity. This is something authentically ‘you’ that you’ve tried or hoped to get involved in for a while, but been thwarted. This might pertain to creativity, healthy lifestyle, travel, or education. Set a goal, make it happen this New Moon. Satisfy your curiosities and passion.
What to release? Three of Coins
Let go of wanting approval, agreement, or even permission from other people. You can end up shape-shifting and losing sight of your own unique desires, needs, and hopes. It doesn’t matter what they think or say. Let that expectation go. Refocus on your internal feelings and needs. Be led by them.
Fire Signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)
What to call in? Seven of Cups
Call in the muse! It’s time to let your imagination roam and call in every idea, whim, fantasy, daydream, and intention that is swirling around in your aura and maybe even beyond. Go back to childhood, seek your inner child. Go ahead and imagine your legacy. Think global. Think historical. Think practical. Think big. Your ideas are magic right now - capture them all!
What to release? King of Coins
Put away materialistic goals or financial ambitions this New Moon. They are not what truly inspire your best ideas or thinking. Yes, they’re necessary but they will take care of themselves if you’re motivated and thriving and creating. Don’t think about the money, think about the idea and the delivery. The money will follow.
Book a tarot reading with Kerry at www.tarotbella.etsy.com - the code LOYALTY will get you 20% off.
Kerry's NEW Guided Magic Manifesting Journal is out now on Amazon- perfect for beginners, showing you how to manifest your goals, giving you all of the tools, and uniquely sharing how to use tarot, astrology, crystals AND spirit guides to boost your chances of success.
A perfect ally for this Gemini New Moon.
(photo credit: https://www.instagram.com/inlovewithcameras/)