Earth Signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)
What to call in?Knight of Coins
This New Moon sees you getting stuck into a project which requires concentration and dedication, but the rewards are worthwhile. Every ounce of effort will be handsomely repaid so invest with all you’ve got. Give this everything. Call in your reserves of fortitude, creativity, shrewdness, and energy. Work hard, commit, go the extra mile and, by next New Moon, you’ll be celebrating!
What to release? Queen of Cups
Release a hope or expectation about someone else’s behaviour towards you. Let them be who they are, let them show you what they truly think of you. Behaviour is a language. Watch their actions, observe their attention (or lack of). Don’t ask, pester, criticise, badger, or hover. Simply observe. And then make your own move. Be objective. Be clear-eyed about who they truly are towards you.
Fire Signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)
What to call in? Two of Swords
You are going to make a game-changing decision this New Moon. The Two of Swords is a cutting card which enters the reading when a choice is overdue and, once made, will unlock a major phase of progress and opportunity in your life. Don’t procrastinate any longer. Welcome in the answers to unanswered questions and guidance from shrewd sources. And make your mind up.
What to release? King of Swords
There’s a person in your realm whose influence can be a little overbearing. Perhaps a family member, maybe someone older, male or with very strong masculine energy. They are smart, but maybe a little ruthless or cold. They put you on edge. Perhaps just keep your distance this month ahead, just stay on the periphery of them as you make this big choice. Don’t let them browbeat you.
Water Signs (Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio)
What to call in? The Fool
A new beginning with your name written all over it is waiting for you this New Moon! The Fool is the tarot’s first card and patron saint of exciting fresh starts. This is something big, bold, inspiring and possibly a little unexpected (to others). Don’t listen to the critics, tune in to your own heartbeat and desires. Follow your path. Just take the first step, don’t worry about the long term. Don’t overthink it.
What to release? Page of Swords
Release self doubt and self sabotage. You can overthink things, underplay your capabilities, and project fantastical fears onto the outside world (that are not real). Be an ally to yourself, not an enemy. Be a true friend who encourages you with positivity and good ideas. Be led by hope not fear. Aim high. Be bold. Release doubt.
Air Signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)
What to call in? Four of Cups
Call in gratitude, appreciation for all that you already have and possess, for your talents, strengths, abilities, health, family, friends, lifestyle, community, freedoms and advantages. Why? Because showing gratitude is a short-cut to positive mental health, contentment, peace, and further abundance. When you signal that you appreciate what you’ve already been given, more will be offered!
What to release?Queen of Coins
Stop chasing a promotion, advancement, or leap to another realm or level. You’re chasing something that you think will make you happy, likely something material (money, work, status, a possession). The grass isn’t greener. This leap isn’t the answer. The answer right now is to bed into where you already are, make the most of that space and position, and appreciate it.
Earth Signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)
What to call in?Knight of Coins
This New Moon sees you getting stuck into a project which requires concentration and dedication, but the rewards are worthwhile. Every ounce of effort will be handsomely repaid so invest with all you’ve got. Give this everything. Call in your reserves of fortitude, creativity, shrewdness, and energy. Work hard, commit, go the extra mile and, by next New Moon, you’ll be celebrating!
What to release? Queen of Cups
Release a hope or expectation about someone else’s behaviour towards you. Let them be who they are, let them show you what they truly think of you. Behaviour is a language. Watch their actions, observe their attention (or lack of). Don’t ask, pester, criticise, badger, or hover. Simply observe. And then make your own move. Be objective. Be clear-eyed about who they truly are towards you.
Tarot card reading with the Crystal Magic Tarot
Thinking about your own path? To explore your tarot cards further why not book a Career tarot reading with Kerry here: https://bit.ly/44GBed7
This reading will tell you what you need to know…
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(photo credit: https://www.instagram.com/inlovewithcameras/)