The New Moon in Libra on October 2nd, 2024, brings an invitation to a fresh start in relationships, calling for balance and harmony. Libra’s energy helps smooth over any tensions and encourages you to create more peace and beauty in your connections. It's the perfect time to set intentions around partnerships and find balance and where things have felt off. Embrace new collaborations and restore equilibrium in your life.
Air Signs (Libra, Aquarius, Gemini)

What to call in? Six of Wands
Good fortune, lucky breaks, chance-y risky moves which pay off, bold leaps of faith! The Six of Wands is a midas touch card which grants you good luck in everything you invest in right now. So focus your energy in the right places and make progress, play a bold hand, and be lucky! You can’t lose. Play this game and win.
What to release? The Hierophant
Air signs can be ever so slightly ‘know all’ because you’re all cerebral (I am a Gemini, I can admit this). It’s great to be an expert but the most important aspect of being an expert is recognising, admitting, and aligning with the real truth that you don’t know the half of it! Stay curious, stay open minded, stay receptive. Don’t become a gate keeper. Be a perennial student of your passions.
Earth Signs (Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo)

What to call in? The High Priestess
Get comfy with your spirituality, your intuition, your psychic senses and insights. There’s more to this world than the tangible and visible. We all have a ‘subtle self’ that senses things, moods, ideas, possibilities, attractions, repulsions etc… and this ‘subtle self’ is ready to speak to you directly this New Moon. Settle down and meditate, daydream, mentally zone out… see what emerges.
What to call in? The High Priestess
Get comfy with your spirituality, your intuition, your psychic senses and insights. There’s more to this world than the tangible and visible. We all have a ‘subtle self’ that senses things, moods, ideas, possibilities, attractions, repulsions etc… and this ‘subtle self’ is ready to speak to you directly this New Moon. Settle down and meditate, daydream, mentally zone out… see what emerges.
Fire Signs (Sagittarius, Aries, Leo)

What to call in? Eight of Coins
Ready for a phase of hard work and graft? Summon your fuel, energy, determination and schedule some mini milestones to break the task down, and some rewards to make it a celebration when you hit them! Don’t let frustration, fatigue or boredom stop you from tackling this project, role, or situation. The rewards are worthwhile, this is just the tough bit where you have to throw one foot in front of the other even when you don’t feel like it.
What to release? Page of Coins
Step away from trying to learn everything all at once or become an expert in something that is actually as much about gaining experience vs knowledge. Time is a master teacher. Practice makes perfection. You can’t skip this. So, stop beating yourself up about where you’re at and enjoy the process of enlightenment. You are much further on than you were. And that counts.
Water Signs (Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces)

What to call in? Eight of Wands
Communication and networking are the key themes of this New Moon for you. Place yourself at the beating heart of where the action is, where the opportunity is focused, where the most passion and interest seems to gravitate to, be that a place or a group of people. Show up, be visible, talk, lean in and ask, follow up, invite, accept, welcome. New opportunity is there to be had.
This New Moon is a time for spontaneous and experimental free-style energy. Don’t try and label things too quickly or set an agenda. Just see what happens, what pans out, where the unseen forces around you are going to take you if you go ‘limp’ and let them. This is a fascinating little episode of total freedom, don’t spoil it by trying to set a purpose too soon. See what happens.

Book a tarot reading with Kerry at www.tarotbella.etsy.com - the code LOYALTY will get you 20% off. My NEW Halloween reading ‘The Medium’ is out NOW, only until November 1st.
My NEW Haunted House Journal is out now on Amazon- the perfect spooky treat for yourself, a weird and wonderful friend or even as a party favour at Halloween. The journal is divided into macabre chambers, some with hidden surprises, for you to store your secrets, ideas, and lists. The house even has its own family!
(photo credit: https://www.instagram.com/inlovewithcameras/)