The new moon in Sagittarius marks a time of fresh starts and boundless optimism. Sagittarius, ruled by expansive Jupiter, inspires us to dream big and seek adventure, making this lunar phase a powerful moment for setting intentions that align with growth, freedom, and exploration. It's a perfect opportunity to embrace your inner wanderer—whether that's through travel, learning, or envisioning bold new possibilities for your life. This fiery energy encourages us to take leaps of faith, trust our instincts, and pursue what ignites our passions. Let this new moon be a reminder to aim high and trust the universe to guide your arrow.
Fire Signs (Sagittarius, Aries, Leo)

What to call in? Six of Cups
Go back to your past this Sagittarius New Moon. Look deeply at your lingering affections for roles, places, people, or activities you once loved but no longer have by your side. Maybe something can be rekindled? Maybe you need to call in a familiar face or presence that you once loved deeply? It’s not too late. What was lost can be restored.
What to release? Ace of Swords
You don’t have to tell them everything you’re thinking or feeling. You can put filters on your feelings. You can tell little white lies to keep the peace. You can have private thoughts for you and you alone. Release the notion that intimacy means 100% honesty 100% of the time. You are an island (so are they…) and you can enjoy your own private ruminations without guilt, shame, or interference.
Water Signs (Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces)

What to call in? The Empress
Love, love, love. This Sagittarius New Moon is bringing you love in all directions from all kinds of sources with all kinds of meanings and benefits- family, pet, neighbour, partner, children, friends, admirers. Drink it all in, embrace it, appreciate it. This is what makes life worthwhile, this is what we remember in old age- how we felt about people and how they felt about us.
What to release? Ten of Wands
Sometimes you use fatigue or tiredness as a blanket excuse for not doing things you KNOW would actually make you feel energised, healthy, relaxed, rested, and ‘well’. We all do this. Inertia is a default. Resolve to stop letting yourself get away with this, though, and push through fatigue to establish good habits, rewarding rituals, and healthy routines. It’s all worth it in the long run.
Air Signs (Libra, Aquarius, Gemini)

What to call in? Two of Swords
Decision time, Air signs! You are always busy, on the alert, keeping options open, finding new ways and means, opening different doors. Stop! Now is the time to discern, prioritise, streamline, and focus. Make the choices about what is going to be your priority this month and organise yourself around that. Focus is vital, it will make the difference between success and failure.
What to release? Queen of Wands
Let go of the addiction to stimulation and busyness and having something new and fresh cooking every damn day! It’s exhausting and not sustainable. You can’t keep innovating on a 24/7 basis… let things be still, stable, quiet, boring. You need a (short) spell of boredom so you can organise yourself around your key goals vs responding to every new idea that pops into your brain!
Earth Signs (Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo)

What to call in? The Magician
It’s time to be creative, inspired, innovative, and free-flowing in your expressions and outputs. Make stuff! This could be linked to career, or just for fun, or even for personal development. Most value in this world comes from output, from tangible things we create, so prioritise creation.
Use your talents, refine your skills, learn how to make something from what you enjoy doing anyway.
What to call in? The Hermit

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