Earth Signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)

What to call in? Judgment
Self awareness, honesty, reflection. Look at yourself, your personality and character, your desires and interests, your purpose and passions, your lifestyle and daily routines. Do you feel you’re being authentic? Are you doing what you naturally, by default, yearn to do and want to invest in? If not, why not? And can you change? Start with total honesty and the changes needed will be obvious.
What to release? The Fool
You don’t have to keep reinventing stuff or starting afresh or turning another new page. You can re-purpose what you already have, you can persist and carry on with something, you can upcycle an old task or project or role or even relationship. Make do and mend! Quite literally, in all aspects of life. You don’t need to pressurise yourself to make everything new and exciting. Start with what you got.
Fire Signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)

What to call in? The Wheel of Fortune
The winds of change of blowing through your realm and you must open the windows and let them sweep through the kingdom, blowing away what’s stagnant, fading or false, leaving fresh air and space for new energies to swirl in and create new opportunities. Don’t cling to the old. Let go of everything and see what sticks…
What to release? Three of Swords
Release a betrayal, a deep wound, a piece of turmoil you hold onto with someone else, even if it’s from long ago. Holding onto resentment, jealousy or anger is like holding onto a hot coal- you only burn yourself. You KNOW this, but acting on it is harder. Forgiveness might not be possible, but distance and disconnection is. Do what you can to heal and process this wound so it doesn’t hurt you anymore.
Water Signs (Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio)

What to call in? Knight of Coins
Call in all of your energy and determination to pursue something necessary, beneficial and rewarding in the realms of health, wealth, work or home. There’s a big task with your name written on it, which can only be done by you, and will bring great fulfilment and results. Get to it this New Moon and give it your all, soonest started then sooner done. This is a worthwhile goal so prioritise the time and energy to devote to it.
What to release? Two of Wands
Stop procrastinating and circling your decisions or ambitions. Stop questioning yourself about what or why you’re doing something and just get on and DO it. Results will bring proof. Results will yield progress, or otherwise, that you can work with and make robust decisions on. You are in danger of overthinking what you COULD do instead of just getting on and getting someplace.
Air Signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)

What to call in? Two of Swords
All Air signs have a cut-throat edge. You are logical, rational, objective and this can tip over into a cool ruthlessness. Use this power now. Use it make decisions and game-changing shifts that benefit you. Whatever has been hanging over you, tackle it head on and be the one to call time, to make the choice, to set the agenda. Be the doer vs done to.
What to release? Strength
Stop pretending it’s all okay and it doesn’t matter and you’re cool with everything. Stuff has happened and it has hurt you. If you don’t acknowledge that, express it, and then let it go… it will hang around like a malignant cloud of unaccepted feeling that will turn into anger and rage. We don’t want that. No one wants that. So process your pain.

Book a tarot reading with Kerry at www.tarotbella.etsy.com - the code LOYALTY will get you 20% off. My NEW Halloween reading ‘The Medium’ is out NOW, only until November 1st.
My NEW Haunted House Journal is out now on Amazon- the perfect spooky treat for yourself, a weird and wonderful friend or even as a party favour at Halloween. The journal is divided into macabre chambers, some with hidden surprises, for you to store your secrets, ideas, and lists. The house even has its own family!
(photo credit: https://www.instagram.com/inlovewithcameras/)