This month the New Moon moves into Aquarius, a fresh new start in the sign of wisdom and innovation. Every New Moon, we are gifted an opportunity to set our intentions and check in with what we really want. It is the perfect time to rid yourself of the things you no longer need or want and invite in what nourishes your soul and sets you heart on fire.
Since February is so loaded with talk of love (thanks to the legend of St Valentine, a Christian Priest who was beaten, stoned and decapitated for secretly marrying young couples against the wishes of the emperor), we're focusing on where you can be more loving. To yourself, maybe..? That sounds like a pretty good place to start, so, it's one of those months where I've prescribed everyone the same crystal - a dose of Rose Quartz - along with another crystal I think you might need assistance from.
As always, Kerry Ward from Tarot Bella and Cosmopolitans resident tarot card slinger has consulted the cards to bring your monthly scopes. Kerry offers her guidance on how to work with the energy you may experience in this new moon cycle and I (Clare, of Bonearrow, first of her name, mother of jewels) write your prescription for the perfect crystals to balance your energy.
If you love them, leave us a comment and don't forget to tell your friends!
Kerry: All you need is love. It’s true, you know, and in the end most of us realise this.
Valentines Day might seem like an expensive, high-pressure “date night” for couples, but it can be a time to reflect on how YOU feel about love, and how much more awesome your life could be if you could welcome even MORE love into your life… The tarot has some advice…
Find your element below to read your tarotscope.
The twelve signs of the zodiac are categorised into four groups of three signs, each ruled by a particular element:Air - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.
Earth - Taurus, Virgo, Capircorn.
Fire - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.
Water - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.
The signs ruled by each element are naturally compatible with each other, they ‘get’ each other and share similar values, attitudes and outlooks on life. Birds of a feather fly together. If your coven had a member from each zodiac sign, your other two element signs would be your best witches.
AIR Signs - Aquarius, Gemini, Libra
Five of Wands, The Moon, The Tower
Air is cold by nature, and so, my wonderful Air element friends (of which I count myself one), are you sometimes. “Feelings” can be messy, sticky, painful, “hot”… you’d rather suppress / whizz by them back to the fun stuff, back to analysing and sizing up things, feeling in control and invincible. Does it ever get cold, though, up there in the air, observing and watching?..
These cards tell of a painful event (The Tower) which came out of nowhere and shocked you, indeed it’s like there was a “before” and an “after”, such was its seismic shock waves.
Typically, you kept most of your “feelings”, wounds and lingering self-recriminations to yourself (The Moon) and, inside, they have grown into some limiting self-beliefs and anxieties which impact on your intimacy with others. You could change this behaviour.
The Five of Wands asks you to see this changing process as a “game” (which appeals to your intellect). Choose your “baggage”, and think of tasks or mental exercises to address it, execute these and then coolly review the results, then move again. This is processing those old wounds so they don’t continue to affect you and, in a month, you will feel like you’ve tackled this. More warmth will flow back into your life.
Your Crystal Prescription: My beloved Air signs, of course I'm prescribing you the gentle, unconditional love of Rose Quartz, but also the cleansing energy of Peridot. Peridot teaches you that holding on to old burdens, resentment or guilt is not the way to well-being and shows you how to move forward, unpack that baggage and bring about the change that you need to grow. Spiritually and emotionally. Let peridot help you take out the trash, and Rose Quartz fill the space left behind.
WATER Signs- Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio
Five of swords, Queen of Pentacles, Three of Pentacles
Water signs, you scare me! As a chilly, detached Air sign who is happy splashing in the shallows of emotion, you’re more like a Megalodon, going so deep into the internal world that sometimes you don’t even surface! What’s it like- down there?
You know, sometimes, you swim SO deep that it is hard to come back up for air, to change your perspective, and to move on…
These cards reveal that you’d benefit from adopting a stronger “hard-headedness” over when it’s time to cut your losses and let people (who don’t have your best intentions at heart) go. The Five of Swords begs you to cut your losses with ties which no longer serve you well. You’re only blocking new energy from coming into your life. Let go… TRUST that better is out there, some relationships fade or end for a good reason.
The Three and Queen of Coins paint a picture of a future world where you put yourself first, and reap the rewards for this. You love to love and give, but you can’t pour from an empty jug. You need to replenish, rejuvenate and protect your reserves much, much better. Can you be as loving and kind to yourself, as you are to others? Can you stay nearer the surface, in new relationships, so it’s easier to get OUT, if you need to?
Yes, you can.
Your Crystal Prescription: If you're going to plummet the depths of your subconscious, take Black Obsidian with you. Not only is Obsidian protective, it is grounding for your spiritual energy and can promote emotional release. Once Obsidian has helped you dispel negative energy blocks, use Rose Quartz to heal any echos of old heartbreak you might have dragged up with you, encourage forgiveness and open your heart up to new love. And, if you need to feel a little extra kindness towards yourself, Rose quartz will be your valentine.
FIRE Signs - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Four of Cups, The Emperor, Ten of Wands
Love is Fire signs’ catnip- you love nothing more than being in love, showing love, receiving love, talkin’ ‘bout love – and so on. Maybe (*ahem*) there is sometimes a little TOO MUCH love (maybe you’re in love WITH being in love?). Please don’t bristle, but you can get carried away quite quickly, and then regret the commitment. And, furthermore, this can apply to your approach beyond JUST your love life. The thrill of the initial “chase”, be that related to hobbies / friendships / jobs / responsibilities, is often quickly overtaken by boredom with the ongoing “slog”…
These cards tell that tale all too well, and offer a solution to try... Let’s see what happens. The Four of Cups is that “meh” phase you often get into. You’ve wowed them, received a round of applause, taken first prize… well, that’s game over for you actually (not for them though, which is why there’s often a string of forlorn faces following the Fire signs’ moves…). The Emperor reminds you that YOU are the master of your landscape. You can design it to be exciting and exhilarating, without having to keep changing the people or things in it.
The Ten of Wands reveals the “killer change”. Less is more. Focus. Drop the acquaintances, FWBs, loose connections, fads, career-chop-changes and one-night BFFs. This month, zoom in on those people and activities you truly love and adore spending time with / on. And then (wait for it…) simply redesign your time and energy to spend more quality time with them. It’s a bit like a fast and will help reboot your appetite and expectations. You’ll see you already have more than enough love. And, if you’re single, you’ll become more like the kind of person you want to attract (i.e. someone with staying power).
Your Crystal Prescription: Garnet is a stone of passion, removing inhibitions and inciting sensuality and manifestation BUT is also grounding and balancing. Garnet can help dissolve behaviour patterns that no longer serve you, let go of useless ideas and open up your heart and encourage commitment - something you maybe need help with occasionally, Fire signs. And, of course, I'm prescribing everyone a dose of Rose Quartz, not just because it's almost Valentines Day, but because everyone needs the reminder to be kind to yourselves and those around you. And if you are looking to attract love, well, this power duo ain't gonna do you no harm!
EARTH Signs - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Six of Swords, The Sun, Judgement
Earth signs tend to lead with their head vs their heart, are stoic and strong, BUT (maybe as a result, because all virtues have an edge) can suffer from the perils of having high expectations (TBF, the ones you set yourselves are the highest of all). Sitting on so rigid and lofty a platform can make it hard to connect with people- flaws, warts n’ all. Come down! Come and join us!
This trio of cards reveals a powerful message about drawing a line in the sand (Six of Swords and Judgment) between how you’ve been and how you’re GOING to be from now on. Letting yourself “off the hook” about your own flaws which, in time, will filter through to how you accept and deal with others. I tell you, Earth signs, this is a turning point in your relationships, as shown by The Sun (a portal to a joyful, prosperous chapter).
Be led by your best hopes of others, give them the benefit of the doubt / the second chance, and be ready to forgive and forget. If you stare at past mistakes, that is the landscape your relationships will forever stay in. Don’t you want fresh scenery and to move on? Yes of course you do, and starting with forgiving and accepting yourself, warts and all, is Step One.
Your Crystal Prescription: Rose Quartz is the ultimate stone of self acceptance, the crystal of unconditional love and it can teach you, with its gentle, calming energy, forgiveness and kindness, to yourself and to others. Paired with Sugilite, one of my all time favourite crystals, you won't help but feel love flow in abundance! Sugilite shows you how to live by your highest truth, to accept your flaws, quirks and idiosyncrasies and truly understand yourself. If ever there were a crystal that encompasses all that Bonearrow is, it is Sugilite - so expect so new Sugilite Holy Stones being conjured into existence soon!
Kerry Ward is a Nottingham based tarot reader and Cosmopolitan magazine's first tarot expert, with over 20 years experience reading tarot and many happy clients all over the world.
You can book a personal, written reading with Kerry, which comes as a beautifully illustrated brochure, at www.tarotbella.etsy.com or follow her at www.facebook.com/mytarotbella.