The magical meanings of crystals and the inspiration behind out collections.
Your February New Moon Tarotscopes
Happy New Moon in Pisces! This New Moon is the last of the winter months, the next, in March will be a spring New Moon. I suggest using this time to think...
Your Lunar New Year Tarotscopes
Happy New Moon, and happy Lunar New Year! As this is the first new moon of 2023 it's an especially potent moon for magic and new beginnings, the perfect time to...
Your December New Moon Tarotscopes
Happy Solstice, Yuletide and New Moon in Capricorn, the last New Moon of the year. With one foot in the old year, one in the new, Capricorn season is a...
Your November New Moon Tarotscopes
Welcome to Sagittarius season! It's my favourite season, not just because it's my birthday soon, but I love the darker evenings and magical energy in the air at this...
Your October New Moon Tarotscopes
Since our long awaited Crystal Magic Tarot Deck has finally arrived and it's all about manifesting, this month I've chosen Clear Quartz (one of the best manifesting crystals) as the crystal for the month....
Your September New Moon Tarotscopes
This New Moon falls just after the Autumn Equinox in the sign of Libra and it invites us to find balance in our lives, which may be something that is much...
Your August Virgo New Moon Tarotscopes
Happy New Moon and welcome to Virgo season! I might be a fiery Sagittarius but I have a lot of Virgo in my chart, so I'm really feeling the Virgo...
Your July New Moon Tarotscopes
Happy New Moon! For me, this fiery Leo New Moon (hey fire signs!) feels like a 'moment', full of joyful confidence to help you take centre stage in your own...