Happy New Moon and welcome to Virgo season! I might be a fiery Sagittarius but I have a lot of Virgo in my chart, so I'm really feeling the Virgo vibes! I'm planning, scheduling and organising my life and trying my very best to create habits that stick.
This new moon in Virgo is a great to time to get your 'Home Edit' on and Marie Kondo your sock drawer, but you might also have some emotional or metal clutter to clear out. Find your element below to read what cards Kerry has pulled for you this lunation and what crystals you might need in your arsenal (spoiler, it's Larimar).
Air - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.
Earth - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.
Fire - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.
Water - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.
King of Wands, Seven of Cups, The Emperor
Sometimes you just have to MAKE it happen, force the action, design the game plan and execute it all yourself. You are used to this, and actually quite like playing solo.
The Seven of Cups reveals the MANY ideas floating around- possible options for the future. You've pitched and researched and had no joy in finding partners or take-up. What next?
The Emperor and King of Wands are a sure-fire signal from the cosmos to DIY! Make this happen. Don't look to others to make your idea a reality, to fund something, to give permission, to back you up. You do this for yourself. Yes, it's risky and a bit scary but the rewards, when they come, will be ALL yours and you'll know you're capable of anything. Go for it.
Well, Earth signs, Kerry pulled the card that I actually matched to Larimar for you this month, the ultimate in control boss, The King of Wands. This leader knows how to keep things under control with a cool head, he's sure of himself without being cocky and believes in his own strength, and it sounds like you could do with some of that right now too. Larimar's soothing, calming vibes bring you this quiet boss energy whilst gently showing you the way and matching you up with opportunities so you can take control of a situation with grace and confidence.
Seven of Coins, Strength, Three of Swords
A long-term pathway you've been on is approaching the end of its run, the natural cross roads which seeks to bear you onto a new way ahead. The Seven of Coins shows this has been emerging for a while- you've felt the winds of change.
The Three of Swords focuses your gaze on the first step here- removing the sources of pain, stress or discomfort from your life, be that situations, roles, places or even people. A clear out. A purge.
Strength shows this will help clear the fog, clarify your thinking, make space for an appetite to bring in the new. And all of this is a massive life lesson, a huge leap in your emotional intelligence, personal self awareness and wisdom. Embrace this shift. Start by clearing out.
If you need to take control, Larimar can help you shift to new footing with ease and balance with it's calming, you-can-do-anything energy. If you're feeling worried or uneasy about a change that's coming, a cool aqua-blue Larimar can ease your anxious mind and help you feel anchored. If the Virgo moon wants you to clear out and make space, Larimar can help keep you calm, cool headed and quietly confident even if the process of purging is stressful or upsetting.
Ten of Coins, Ace of Swords, Four of Cups
On the one hand, you yearn for domestic comfort and security, as shown by the Ten of Coins. You love feeling safe, nurtured, in the bosom of a ~nest~.
But, on the other hand, the Four of Cups sees you feeling dissatisfied or disconnected from your current domestic reality. It's rarely how it is on the TV, in real life. It's rarely the 'nest' we think is the ideal.
Reconcile your vision of happy family / home life with your reality. The Ace of Swords brings you an epiphany about it all, and I bet it's a re-focusing and re-emphasis on appreciating the good of your situation, of seeing how lucky you are, and feeling protective of your home.
The grass isn't greener elsewhere- the grass is green where you water it. So water your own lawn!
Knight of Swords, Eight of Coins, Two of Swords
Don't give up, don't worry, don't think this will be how it is forever, it won’t and this is just a phase, a drop in the ocean of your life. The Eight of Coins and Knight of Swords bring persistent, assertive, and determined energy.
You're tired and weary of something, and it's taking so much time and energy to keep going... but you must. You are so close to a breakthrough, a piece of luck, a change of fortune. You deserve every reward going here, so don't withdraw from the game now.
The Two of Swords asks you for 2 more months of graft and then you can make a new choice if you wish. Re-evaluate the effort vs the reward, re-assess your desires and needs vs what this delivers. But, until then, keep going because goodies are ahead!
Oh Fire signs, I feel you! Sometimes you just want to get off the Merry-go-round of life for a minute but the wheel just does not stop spinning! I always find that being by the sea, wondering at its' vast power and listening to the gentle lapping of the waves refreshes my soul and soothes my mind, and that's just how Larimar makes me feel too. Larimar is quietly powerful in a strong but silent way, making you feel calmed and cool headed when you need it most, aka daily right now, huh?
Kerry Ward is a Nottingham based tarot reader, and Cosmopolitan magazine’s FIRST tarot expert, with over 20 years fortune telling experience, and many happy clients all over the world. You can book a personal, written reading, which comes as a beautifully illustrated brochure, at www.tarotbella.etsy.com or follow her at @mytarotbella.