The Cherry Blossom is in full bloom, the sun is rising earlier each day and the birds are singing here in the northern hemisphere but it might be a time when you're finding it hard to be positive. This Taurean New Moon invites us to ground ourselves (Taurus is an Earth sign after all) and focus on our foundations. Are you feeling secure? Nourished? Where can you lay your energy to make yourself feel more steady on your feet...
This month, because I feel we all need some protection and soothing serenity, I'm prescribing one crystal to everyone - Moonstone. One of the best stones for easing anxiety, worry and balancing emotions, Moonstone is probably the stone we all need right now.
Kerry Ward from Tarot Bella (and Cosmopolitans resident tarot card slinger) has consulted the cards to bring your monthly 'scopes. Kerry offers her guidance on how to work with the energy you may experience in this new moon cycle and I (Clare, of Bonearrow, first of her name, mother of jewels) write your prescription for the perfect crystals to balance your energy.
If you love them, leave us a comment and don't forget to tell your friends!
The twelve signs of the zodiac are categorised into four groups of three signs, each ruled by a particular element. Find your element below to read your tarotscope:Air - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.
Earth - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.
Fire - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.
Water - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.
The signs ruled by each element are naturally compatible with each other, they ‘get’ each other and share similar values, attitudes and outlooks on life. Birds of a feather fly together. If your coven had a member from each zodiac sign, your other two element signs would be your best witches.
EARTH Signs - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Six of Swords, The Empress, The Lovers
Let stuff go.
A relationship which means a lot to you will turn a corner this month, towards better times and a brighter future. The Empress and The Lovers reveals it’s either a family tie, a very close friendship or, more than likely, you and your other half. There have been frictions and disagreements recently, and you’ve wondered how you truly feel (and how they honestly feel, too). The love is strong, but the ‘liking’ has waivered, as you’ve found their company and opinions irritating. Shit happens. We hit these bumps in the road for a reason. Something needs addressing.
The Six of Swords shows that one, or both, of you need to move ON from something. It might be an old negative self-belief, a grudge, a doubt, an out-dated opinion or value, a job, a toxic friendship, a gruelling routine or commitment. Review what external influences cause issues for you, and resolve to let the ones which you know are no longer working anyway go, once and for all. We have to make sacrifices and compromises and changes in relationships, and this month asks you what you’re prepared to do to make things better?
How can Moonstone help me? Moonstone helps us to see what is in the shadows, what is hidden, to bring it into the light and not fear it. If you need to look at the murky depths of your shadow side, Moonstone can be the mirror you need, holding truth to the light and helping you to see things as they are. Try meditating with a Moonstone and see what comes out of the shadows.
AIR Signs - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
The Chariot, The Hierophant, Five of Cup
A big move.
A big move, driven by a need to rebel and find new space to grow, propels you into new landscape this month ahead. This is B.I.G. The Chariot is all about taking the wheel and driving the bus to the place YOU want to reach. You’re taking ownership and control, and it does feel good. The Hierophant shows this move has come from a long-term thought process about what (or who) you believe in, have faith in, and want to live by. You have created a mini-rebellion with this move, and it’s not popular in all quarters, but it’s part of your life story. We all live under certain value systems and beliefs, but rarely do they last forever. We change. Stuff changes. Circumstances change. The Five of Cups shows you’ll feel a bit sad, along the way, because you’ll realise you can’t go back, that things won’t be the same ever again. And that’s heavy stuff.
Acknowledge your emotions, and then get busy moving on again. This was necessary. You are doing the right thing.
How can Moonstone help me? Moonstone is a balancing, harmonising stone, so if you're facing big upheavals this crystal can make you feel more settled and at ease. If you have anxiety or worries about what's happening around you Moonstone can help alleviate your fears and bring psychic protection for whatever journey you're embarking upon. If things get a bit overwhelming try meditating with a Moonstone and see if you feel lighter afterwards.
WATER Signs - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Seven of Wands, Nine of Swords, Eight of Wands
Exorcise your demons.
You often worry you’re ‘not enough’ in some way or another, you’re pretty hard on yourself, and the Nine of Swords further reveals that much of this is kept to yourself. When we don’t voice our inner anxieties, they grow bigger and uglier. Water signs, don’t torment yourself any longer, get these emotions OUT and watch them disappear in the cold light of day, with a warm friend to confide in. The Seven and Eight of Wands combine to urge you to do this, because there is amazing and abundant opportunity and challenge ahead. A lot going on, and you need to be on your ‘A Game’ to make it count. You can’t let your inner demons sabotage your progress and success. You must address the damage your own internal voice is capable of doing, because it’s limiting your scope to make the most of what’s going to be on offer this month.
Remove the anxieties, and act on the opportunities. You deserve this success.
How can Moonstone help me? Worries, anxieties... Moonstone was made to help you with these Water Signs! If you've got emotional baggage to work through, Moonstone is there to hold your hand. Even if you feel like you don't want to give voice to your innermost worries, take some deep breaths, whisper them to a Moonstone and let it's cool, calming energy soothe your racing mind.
FIRE Signs - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Ten of Wands, Seven of Swords, The Fool
Review your energy.
No one knows how busy or overwhelmed you sometimes feel inside, it’s a really private matter for you. The Ten of Wands and Seven of Swords reveal this strange quirk about your character. You rarely say ‘no’ to stuff, love being involved in ALL SORTS, but, at night, on your own, you worry and stress that you’re doing too much, spread too thin, not able to give your best.
I mean: you might be right.
And why not do something about this repeat pattern? You ARE in control of your choices. The Fool shows you embarking on a new leaf with this behaviour. You are going to start over with your priorities. Review and audit where you time and energy goes, and make necessary adjustments. This is a different way of living your life, and I promise it will feel waaaaay easier. Don’t let anyone put you off this new course. People are used to you saying ‘yes’ and it may take a little while for them to acknowledge the ‘new you’. That’s their look-out.
How can Moonstone help me? As well as being super protective Moonstone can help to clear your mind and balance your energy if you're feeling frazzled. As a stone of the New Moon, this crystal is a talisman for new beginnings, which sounds like it's just what you need right now fellow fire signs. Make a decision of one thing you want to change and let Moonstone be your cosmic anchor to your new way, if you feel yourself slipping back, just hold your Moonstone and remember your promise to yourself.
Kerry Ward is a Nottingham based tarot reader and Cosmopolitan magazine's first tarot expert, with over 20 years experience reading tarot and many happy clients all over the world.
You can book a personal, written reading with Kerry, which comes as a beautifully illustrated brochure, at www.tarotbella.etsy.com or follow her at www.facebook.com/mytarotbella.