A New Moon on Christmas Day! And a New Moon in Capricorn is a perfect time to reflect on the year past (or decade, even!) or look forward to the new year coming. What do you want to leave behind? And what do you want to invite in more of...?
Kerry Ward from Tarot Bella (and Cosmopolitans resident tarot card slinger) has consulted the cards to bring your monthly 'scopes. Kerry offers her guidance on how to work with the energy you may experience in this new moon cycle and I (Clare, of Bonearrow, first of her name, mother of jewels) write your prescription for the perfect crystals to balance your energy.
If you love them, leave us a comment and don't forget to tell your friends!
The twelve signs of the zodiac are categorised into four groups of three signs, each ruled by a particular element. Find your element below to read your tarotscope:Air - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.
Earth - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.
Fire - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.
Water - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.
The signs ruled by each element are naturally compatible with each other, they ‘get’ each other and share similar values, attitudes and outlooks on life. Birds of a feather fly together. If your coven had a member from each zodiac sign, your other two element signs would be your best witches.
EARTH Signs - Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo
Seven of Cups, The Emperor, King of Swords
Turn dreams into reality.
Billy Ocean sang ‘get out of my dreams and into my car’, and that is the Universe’s message to you this month, Earthies! Your imagination (Seven of Cups) has brewed up some cracking ideas and insights about how to amplify and achieve your future ambitions (King of Swords), and The Emperor is now kicking into town to ask you what you’re going to DO about it? ACTION is needed. Get them dreams OUT of your head and into your car and drive them forwards into your real life.
The Emperor is resilient and focussed on his own agenda, he takes no prisoners, and he ruthlessly pursues what he wants. This is who you need to channel right now, that go-getting, ass-kicking side of your character. Anything is possible, and you can go waaaaay further than you currently think is possible.
Your Crystal Prescription: Pyrite
If you need some motivation and positive momentum, Pyrite is your crystal best friend. This golden adventurer will light a fire under your butt and get you moving toward your goal making you feel optimistic and focused. And since Pyrite is also an energy and abundance attractor with this little gem in your arsenal you'll be unstoppable!
AIR Signs - Aquarius, Gemini, Libra
Death, The Wheel of Fortune, Knight of Sword
Get ahead of the change curve.
Powerful cards this New Moon, Air signs, so hang on to your hats! Change is afoot and you’re in for a life-changing season. Death and The Wheel of Fortune are both hugely transformative cards, signalling that much could leave your life, only to be replaced by even more (and better). You can’t resist these forces; you can’t hold the wheel still. Change IS life’s ONLY constant.
So, be like the Knight of Swords. Go out there and don’t just roll with the punches, throw some of your own! If everything’s up in the air, then be ready to grab the things that are now free and available. Use this fluidity to morph into a new space of your choosing. Take advantage of the uncertainty… be a lil bit sneaky and combative… you can do it. You can make this work, because now you’ve had a heads up.
Your Crystal Prescription: Malachite
Malachite is known as 'The transformation Stone' so if things are changing for you, dear Air signs, you'd do well to carry some Malachite with you through the next few weeks. This deep green stone can help you navigate through changing situations, and help you let go of anything you no longer need and it's soft, supportive energy is also super protective so will guard you against negative energy and help you feel positive about what is to come.
WATER Signs - Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio
Nine of Cups, The High Priestess, Four of Coins
Dream a dream.
You’ve heading, if you’re not careful, into a ‘rut’ of some sort, and we don’t like ruts, no sir. The Four of Coins indicates something is becoming a tad too warm and familiar, and it’s something that will just keep you in a stasis which you’ll eventually struggle to escape. Spot the warning signs, and act now! The High Priestess hints that, deep down, you know what this is AND you know WHY you’re in danger of doing it. Identify these important insights and call yourself out on your own BS. The Nine of Cups reveals the way to bypass this whole quicksand pit is to focus your effort and energy on chasing a dream, an inspiration, an imaginative ambition or desire. Aim high, look up, reach out. Don’t fall back or ‘settle’ into something comfortable and easy… push yourself a tiny bit to go for the thing you truly daydream about at night. It’s within your grasp.
Your Crystal Prescription: Citrine
Whenever someone needs some 'spring clean' kinda energy I always prescribe Citrine. Not only is it's fresh, vibrant, creative energy really good for you if you're feeling a bit low or stuck but it also can help you to manifest your dreams. If you have an ambition or a project you want to succeed, you definitely need a citrine around.
FIRE Signs - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Seven of Wands, Two of Cups, The Moon
Resolve a tension finally.
SO weird! The Seven of Wands and Two of Cups are repeat cards from last month, what are the odds of that huh? And what does it mean? Well, I’d say that the issue about sticking up for yourself in a close relationship is an ongoing theme, and not yet resolved. The new card- The Moon- hints that you can take a step back now and wait to see what unfolds. You don’t know everything you need to know right now, there is more to learn and discover. You’ve rattled a cage and now you can watch what the occupant does… pay attention, because it will provide the clues as to the root cause of your conflict, AND possibly what you can do to finally resolve it.
Watch and learn...
Your Crystal Prescription: Sodalite
Okay fellow fire signs, you definitely need Sodalite aka 'The Stone of Peace'. This beautiful blue stone's comforting energy can help resolve conflict, whether it's internal or coming from others, and help you feel less anxious or tense. Also, if you're having trouble communicating your feelings (which is often a source of tension in itself) then Sodalite can help you express yourself better.
Kerry Ward is a Nottingham based tarot reader and Cosmopolitan magazine's first tarot expert, with over 20 years experience reading tarot and many happy clients all over the world.
You can book a personal, written reading with Kerry, which comes as a beautifully illustrated brochure, at www.tarotbella.etsy.com or follow her at www.facebook.com/mytarotbella.