Welcome to the February New Moon in Aquarius! This New Moon falls on Imbolc, the pagan festival that marks the mid point between the Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox. The Celtic word 'Imbolc' means 'in the womb' or 'in the belly of the mother' and refers to the idea that Mother Nature is almost ready to birth spring and, also, because it is traditionally lambing season.
This New Moon, in the sign of Aquarius, The Water Bearer, what seeds have you planted that are 'in the belly of the mother' that may need a little water pouring on them so they may grow. What nurturing do you need this moon cycle to grow to your fullest, ripest potential?
Find your element below to read your 'scopes.
Air - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.
Earth - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.
Fire - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.
Water - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.
King of Coins, Two of Cups, The Hanged Man
A practical approach to your love life, of all things, is the way to go right now! The Two of Cups shows that major romance action is on the cards, whether you're single or attached. This is a highlight of your love life waiting to happen. The Hanged Man reveals it draws a period of frustration and stagnation to a close, where you've felt powerless to get what (or who) you truly want. The King of Coins asks you to be practical, realistic and pragmatic. This isn't about wishing or thinking, this is about action and taking the lead.
Be the change you wish to see. Create a plan of action to make something happen. Lean in and put effort into it. Think about what you want, what circumstances that entails, and then be bossy and create that!
Your crystal prescription: Ametrine
Ametrine combines the grounding power of Amethyst with the uplifting energy of Citrine and brings harmony to relationships by aiding acceptance, releasing negative blocks and bringing solutions where it may have felt there were none to be found. This grounding yet high vibe crystal can help you to take control of your life with optimism and harmony.
Five of Cups, Ace of Swords, King of Cups
A truthful dialogue with someone you love is going to be healing and cathartic for you. So, use that Ace of Swords to cut to the heart of the issue and express your feelings. Listen carefully to their response and take time to absorb it. We all think differently, and this is not about consensus as much as understanding.
The Five and King of Cups shows that this conversation might be about something long in the past, an event or conflict that left a scar, and perhaps this last discussion is the final piece of your healing puzzle! Time brings reflection and new perspective, and objectivity. we aren't as defensive about our own role in things. so, set to and have this deep chat. Your relationship will deepen as a result.
Your crystal prescription: Tiger's Eye & Malachite
Tiger's Eye is the Truth Teller, a powerfully insightful stone that can help you see the truth in any situation. Pair this with healing, emotional-baggage-releasing Malachite and you're in for a deep dive into the murky depths of your past to pull out anything that's been causing irritation to your emotional growth. Who knows, maybe a tiny grain of pain has turned into a pearl of wisdom by now... If you don't go find it you'll never know.
Ten of Cups, The Moon, Nine of Swords
An interesting card combination here which urges you to tackle and face a fear or unspoken question you worry about regarding your love life. The Nine of Swords represents untold anxieties, the kind that burrow down, deep inside and take root, influencing us more than they should. The Moon is about mystery, secrecy and illusion. This is something you need to ~crack~ and do some digging and research around. Answer the question! Seek the truth! Get to the bottom of this, once and for all. you will feel so much better.
The Ten of Cups shows it's all about your love life- could be a current or ex love interest, could even be about your own desires. And all will be well. There is nothing to fear - go prove it.
Your crystal prescription: Moonstone & Aragonite
If its shadow work, illuminated by the Moon card, that you need to do then Moonstone is the crystal you need - deeply protective and a stone that alleviates fear of the unknown and helps soothe anxiety. Pair this with Aragonite, a spiky, orange crystal that is a grounding, stress-busting, anxiety slaying ally, (especially when those icky feelings are caused by change, or the fear of it) and you'll feel empowered and emboldened to go exploring in the caves of your heart.
Two of Wands, Eight of Coins, The Wheel Of Fortune
Powerful cards combine to bring you the necessary determination, willpower and good luck needed to make some long-term and beneficial lifestyle changes right now.
The Wheel of Fortune is an invitation to change, to do a future you a favour, and to ride on the knock-on effects of one major push. The Two of Wands shows this decision has hung over you for a while, you've pondered if you should take the plunge... the answer is YES. The Eight of Coins also reveals that this change will require hard work and commitment, it's not all going to be easy, but you will enjoy each step you take and feel better for it. The rewards will match the requirements, so invest 100%. This is a change for better.
Your crystal prescription: Serpentine & Zoisite
Any time the Wheel of Fortune needs a shove I recommend Serpentine. This yellowy-lime coloured stone will give you the courage you need to embrace the change that is coming your way. Pair this stone with Zoisite, a crystal of hard work and determination, and you'll be bursting with forward propelling to manifest your own path whilst staying focused and grounded.
Kerry Ward is a Nottingham based tarot reader, and Cosmopolitan magazine’s FIRST tarot expert, with over 20 years fortune telling experience, and many happy clients all over the world. You can book a personal, written reading, which comes as a beautifully illustrated brochure, at www.tarotbella.etsy.com or follow her at @mytarotbella.
This month Kerry has a new Valentines reading https://etsy.me/3F9NeXq