Today’s New Moon in Scorpio offers a chance to embrace transformation and shed what no longer serves us. Scorpio, the sign of intensity and rebirth, encourages us to dig deep, confront hidden truths, and tap into our power. This lunar phase is perfect for setting intentions that honor our passions, acknowledge our shadows, and help us reclaim our energy. Emotions may run high, but under Scorpio’s influence, it’s all about rebirth and regeneration—like the phoenix rising from its ashes.
Water Signs (Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces)

What to call in? Five of Wands
Let yourself feel the irritation, frustration, impatience or anger you (authentically and justifiably) feel towards someone you’re trying to make excuses for. Let this emotion breathe and live and be seen. If you keep on suppressing it, you’ll poison yourself. Let it out, let it rage, let it fade, move onto the next step of addressing this. You must release this emotion before you do anything else here.
What to release? Queen of Cups
On a similar vein, stop trying to make someone else feel better when it’s really outside of your remit or ability. Their feelings are their own, their choices too. They may be awful but you can’t change that, it all has to come from them. You have to decide, now, whether you remain by their side without judgment and let them be, or you take a time out and step back from their behaviour. Make a choice that protects your own wellbeing.
Air Signs (Libra, Aquarius, Gemini)

What to call in? Ace of Wands
Activate new habits, hobbies, and pastimes. Pursue new educational goals that interest and inspire you, learn a new skill. Book a trip or series of outings that take you to new landscapes and venues that will lift your spirits. Bring in new things that please you and you feel a passion for. Make life interesting.
What to release? King of Cups
Stop overthinking your feelings. They are not set in stone, terribly reliable barometers of reality, or guides you can trust above all else. You’re a rational person and yet you can go down spirals of emotion and dwell far longer in a negative space than is necessary. Learn the practice of RELEASE. Notice it, feel it, acknowledge it, and release it. Feelings are fleeting, let them ‘fleet’!
Earth Signs (Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo)

What to call in? Temperance
This New Moon is a grounding time, an invitation to plant your feet and notice the things that make you feel strong, secure, and settled. Where are your roots? What do they entwine around? What therefore really matters and needs protection and consolidation even as you grow and change and strive for more? Notice your needs and nurture them.
What to release? The Hanged Man
There’s a tricky situation that has become a deadlock, a blocked passage, a void where nothing now happens. You put it all on ‘stasis’ because it got too frustrating to solve. But this approach has just put the issue ‘on ice’ and not resolved anything. Get back in the game this New Moon. Try something radical and out there… and it might just work!
Fire Signs (Sagittarius, Aries, Leo)

What to call in? Nine of Coins
You are due a planning session this New Moon, a big strategy review with the end game of creating a 6-12 month schedule or calendar of priorities and key steps. Get organised in the long term, build and understand your trajectory into 2025, allocate time, space and energy to the ‘big rocks’. You fire fight far too often and it’s draining. Make a long term plan.
What to release? The High Priestess
It’s okay to fake it sometimes, to push yourself to do something even if your heart isn’t in it, to paste a smile over a grimace and just GET.THE.JOB.DONE.
We can’t always feel inspired, enthused, and aligned with our jobs, tasks, and roles. Sometimes it’s just about graft and persistence. Put aside the need to feel wildly excited and just do what has to be done.

Book a tarot reading with me at www.tarotbella.etsy.com - the code LOYALTY will get you 20% off. My bestselling 2025 Year Ahead Forecast is flying out the tarot shop now. Everyone likes a year ahead reading.
My unique Haunted House Journal is out now on Amazon- and provides a wonderful ally for shadow work, self reflection, goal-setting, list making and all manner of dark doodles and macabre musings. The journal is divided into chilling chambers, some with hidden surprises, for you to store your secrets, ideas, and lists. The house even has its own family!
(photo credit: https://www.instagram.com/inlovewithcameras/)