The magical meanings of crystals and the inspiration behind out collections.

December's New 'Black' Moon in Capricorn
Today's Black Moon in Capricorn marks a powerful moment of transformation and ambition. A "Black Moon," the second new moon in a calendar month, amplifies the energy of new beginnings,...

Your December New Moon in Sagittarius Tarotscopes
The new moon in Sagittarius marks a time of fresh starts and boundless optimism. Sagittarius, ruled by expansive Jupiter, inspires us to dream big and seek adventure, making this lunar...

Your New Moon in Scorpio Tarotscopes November
Today’s New Moon in Scorpio offers a chance to embrace transformation and shed what no longer serves us. Scorpio, the sign of intensity and rebirth, encourages us to dig deep,...

Your October New Moon in Libra Tarotscopes
The New Moon in Libra on October 2nd, 2024, brings an invitation to a fresh start in relationships, calling for balance and harmony. Libra’s energy helps smooth over any tensions...

Your New Moon in Virgo Tarotscopes
The New Moon in Virgo symbolises new beginnings grounded in practicality, organisation, and self-improvement inviting introspection and prompting us to analyse what needs to be refined or reorganized in our lives. It...

Your July New Moon Tarotscopes
This Cancer New Moon may have you feeling a particularly strong pull towards family and nurturing others. Snuggle down in your bubble this week and prioritise family, home and good friends. Revel...

Your June New Moon Tarotscopes
It's Gemini season! And this Gemini New Moon is a wonderful opportunity to welcome in fresh, new, surprising energy. You may find your life overflowing with new friendships, ideas and creative...

Your May New Moon Tarotscopes
Ah Taurus season, one of my favourites. Known for being steady, grounded, optimistic vibes. And now that mercury has gone direct and, and eclipse season is over I feel like...